Elizabeth Bends Over For Elizabeth (Bioshock)


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Elizabeth Bends Over For Elizabeth (Bioshock)

Elizabeth had always been a curious girl, and when she heard about the mysterious floating city of Columbia, she knew she had to see it for herself. She had heard stories of its beauty and grandeur, and she was determined to find out if they were true. So, when she finally arrived in Columbia, she was amazed by what she saw.

The city was truly a sight to behold, and she was determined to explore every inch of it. As she explored the city, she stumbled upon a strange shop that sold all sorts of strange and exotic items. She was intrigued, and decided to take a closer look. As she browsed the shelves, she noticed a strange book tucked away in the corner. It was called “Bioshock Infinite Porn”. She was curious, so she opened it up and began to read.

The book contained all sorts of stories about the inhabitants of Columbia engaging in all sorts of sexual activities. Elizabeth was shocked, but also aroused. She had never read anything like this before, and she couldn’t help but be intrigued.

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