Missing Anime I can’t find

To give a little back story, this was probably 2006 or 2007. Gummy Bear was poppin and I was like 5 or 6 years old. I sucked at spelling, and I wanted to listen to Gummy Bear (for obvious reasons, shit was bomb) but I missed spelled it so badly I instead got some sort of Fan made AMV that I to this day can”t find. I also can’t remember the song (or what I spelled)

The AMV had peoples heads literally exploding and a female character who had cut their own head off with a pair of scissors after getting some sort of text (I am not certain on the text part). It also took place in a high school if I remember correctly and the Girl cut her head off at night, presumably in a park.

This AMV scared me as a kid. but now that I am older. I really want to see if that video I saw all those years ago on youtube was an anime, or just some random clip of some fan made short or something like that (The Ladder I doubt)

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