Now when I say Magic I don’t mean, well thought out conversion of otherworldly mana energy to magic, type magic.
I mean bullshit I dunno how to explain this so it’s “magic”, type magic.
Like we’d see in Harry Potter.
In MHA they have Quirks which is their word to describe their super powers. There’s many ways the quirk affects a human. Mainly visible physical mutations or non visible internal mutations. Most quirks are useless physical mutations giving people a horn of stretchy eyes. But the more extreme versions are the ones I’m talking about.
The ones that let you summon a nuke or change reality. Those are “magic”.
Quirks are explained to be biological powers. Meaning it is supposed to follow the rules of science in some way. We see the show try this. For example Bakugo sweats Nitroglycerin and his hands are a lighter so combine the both and that’s how he makes explosions. Makes sense until you think about it. Film theory already made an episode on how BS that quirk is but I wanna focus on a different character to explain why Quirks are “magic”.
The perfect example being the Emo Zuko of the show Shoto Todaroki
His flame quirk is BS but it’s less BS Than his ice quirk.
That one makes no sense.
The flame quirk can be sorta explained as he releases some sort of gas and ignites it as well. The question you’d then ask is how does he store enough gas to create giant explosions? Well the answer is. “magic”
But the worse offender has got to be his BS Ice quirk.
I hate how ice is shown in most shows. Because they just summon ice out to nowhere. With magic shows like Black Clover they say oh they’re converting the mana they have stored into physical matter aka Ice. That’s a solid enough explination.
But MHA doesn’t have mana or magic!
So how does Shoto spawn icebergs!? Ice is frozen water. There’s no way Shoto can store enough water to create icebergs! There’s only 2 explanations.
1. He’s like Cyclops from X-men who opens a portal to a dimension where an infinite amount of energy exists or in Shotos case, Infinite ice. Which is complete and utter BS
Or 2. “magic”
There are many many other examples of “magic” in MHA, how does Uraraka disable gravity? “magic”.
How does All might inflate his muscles even tho he has no quirk? “magic”
How does Momo spawn a Canon out of her low amounts of fat? “magic” (they should’ve just made her like Fat Gum where she shrinks in fat everytime she uses her powers waste opportunity.)
Not much thought went into explaining Quirks. Hell Not much thought went into alot of the world building in MHA. But that’s just how it is.
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