[*The Maiden’s Heart is Fluttering!!*](https://imgur.com/a/OX0dH9B)
##[*”Effort and Giftedness, Escape Plan with Nee-sama”*](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12oot3l/rewatch_in_the_heart_of_kunoichi_tsubaki_index/)
##Extra Info and Links
[ANN](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=24956) | [MAL](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50338/Kunoichi_Tsubaki_no_Mune_no_Uchi) | [Anilist](https://anilist.co/anime/141350/Kunoichi-Tsubaki-no-Mune-no-Uchi) | [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Heart_of_Kunoichi_Tsubaki) | [Crunchyroll](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GJ0H7QXWZ/in-the-heart-of-kunoichi-tsubaki)
#Voice Highlights
The sheep also have a pretty quaint voice cast. Benis is voiced by our darling [Aya Yamane](https://myanimelist.net/people/50037/Aya_Yamane) who most will know as Nico Robin from Wan Piss. She’s also got a role as Secilia in the new Gundam. The CDFers probably know her from that instead.
Touwata is voiced by [Tomita Miyu…](https://myanimelist.net/people/39149/Miyu_Tomita) Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t got a problem with her. She’s ChuChu, also from Gundam, Riko from Made in Abyss, and Rizu from We Never Learn… But everyone here most likely knows her as the platinum dong’d Crim from Interspecies Reviewers XD
[Manaka Iwami](https://myanimelist.net/people/44317/Manaka_Iwami) is the voice of my oishi Mizubashou but I’m embarrassed to say that I’m kind of lost on roles that I actually know. She’s Exia from Arknights, Mirai from Doctor Stone, Tooru from the new Fruits Basket which I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t watched yet, but probably the stand out role to me is Piss Shower from Uma Musume. Oh, she also has a role as Ui Tamaki from Magia Record, our sister rewatch. Hi Magia Record crowd!!
#RascalNikov1’s Daily Flower Corner!!
I was chatting with RascalNikov1 about how the kunoichi are all named after flora so I thought I’d make it into a segment. That’s two new segments if you’re keeping count, don’t let folks say I plan ahead!
It’s the flower that Sazanka was picking in the flashback if you remember. That was her own flower. Tsubaki’s is the Japanese camellia, Sazanka is the Sasanqua camellia which is an extension of the camellia family, sisters if you would, and Ahegao is named after morning glories. Whilst we’re on the subject and since I’m probably not gonna talk about all this in the body text Mokuren happens to be named after Magnolia liliiflora. Interesting right?
I promise this section will be shorter tomorrow XD Let’s quickly cover the sheep whilst we’re here. Mizubashou is the… okay, imma just copy paste this cause there’s no way I can spell this. She’s named after Lysichiton camtschatcensis, the Asian skunk-cabbage. Sounds whack. Touwata is a much easier one, she’s milkweed! My gran kept milkweed essence lol. I hated it. Aaand Benis is named after the male genita-okay, she’s named after the apricot plum. Benisumomo. The momo part gives it away.
#Comment of the Day!!
Imma start out by calling an exchange I had with our friend Vaadwaur’s insistance on “correcting” the bratty Sazanka.
>”Breaking the feisty ones down is the most fun, though.”
>”Would you rather try correcting Rin or try correcting Sazanka…?”
>”Sazanka by default since I could use corporal punishment in a ninja village.”
Specs64z is also playing a bingo corner, sucks he didn’t watch today’s episode ahead of time right?
>”You nearly cleared my bingo card with your very first post, and I can’t decide if I’m impressed, disappointed, afraid, or some mix of the 3! Correction, cunny, mesugaki, “Uooh”, “kyaa~”, and… feet.”
> “The only square left unfilled is the piss square. It’s only a matter of time, I’m sure.”
* Who is your favourite of the three Sheep girls?
* Tell us the story of when you were worst affected with the shits. What is the most torturous experience you’ve had on a toilet?
* Are you satisfied with the Kunoichi choreography? How do you feel about the animation quality of Kunoichi Tsubaki so far?
* Who would you least want to be left to correct? Sazanka, Benis… or Kokonoe Rin?
* What is the cruelest act you’ve ever performed for the sake of food? Don’t feel ashamed, the god of the shitter is here watching over you.
##Abyssbringer’s “What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!”
ZapsZzz scores the first Abyssbringer corner win of the rewatch!!
* So far this is pretty tame and I can’t think of any way to shitpost it either, so I’ll give it straight – it’s just the opening establishing position of what the girls as a group, in their “group think” way, consider the mythical “male” to be. It’s pretty much a “woe’s sponge”, anything they heard and anything they think are like-wise “bad” could / should be lumped together as “men”. In a way you could read the same way as the Alba’s thought of the 86-ers, except this is in a more light hearted way. And you’d see that Tsubaki felt rather alone in wanting to know more instead of just being dismissive of men.
#[**Yesterday’s Prompt!**](https://imgur.com/a/DQDL8kL)
#[**Today’s Prompt!**](https://imgur.com/a/RacimMR)
#[**Tomorrow’s Prompt**](https://imgur.com/a/Afro3FC)
[*I’ll tell you someday I got stronger today!!*](https://youtu.be/bNMR_3oXE_I)
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