[Rewatch] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds Rewatch – Week 8: Episodes 45-50 Discussion

#Episode 45: Confrontation! The Man with the Mark of the Spider!
#Episode 46: The Truth from Seventeen Years Ago, The Hidden Trap of the Dark Signers
#Episode 47: The Man with the Mark of the Monkey
#Episode 48: Minus World, Search for the White Lion Regulus
#Episode 49: The King That Rules Over Minus, Demonic Monkey King Zeman
#Episode 50: Curse of Minus Spell! The Imprisoned Ancient Fairy Dragon

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**Let’s Get Up To Speed With Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d’s!**

[Card of the Week – Ancient Fairy Dragon](https://i.imgur.com/I1FJejD.jpg)

Questions of the Week

1) Should we all reject humanity and return to Monke?
2) how would you use a Minus Reverse staff if you had one?

***NEXT EPISODES: 51-59***


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