#[LAST EXILE](https://i.redd.it/roa1etvv920b1.jpg)
#Episode 26 Resign
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[MAL](https://myanimelist.net/anime/97/Last_Exile) | [Anilist](https://anilist.co/anime/97/Last-Exile) | [Kitsu](https://kitsu.io/anime/last-exile) | [AniDB](https://anidb.net/anime/581) | [ANN](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=2294)
[Crunchyroll](https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY5VZ9PEY/last-exile) | [Funimation](https://www.funimation.com/shows/38811) | VRV | [Apple TV](https://tv.apple.com/us/show/last-exile/umc.cmc.2zeyzgkdt7qw7svmm42cihvjb) | [Amazon Prime Video](https://www.amazon.com/Last-Exile-Season-1/dp/B002SECAFY)
*VRV offered Last Exile with advertisements, but shut down May 3.
[Screenshot of the Day](https://i.redd.it/exoi2h25rz2b1.jpg)
**Chess Term of the Day:** Resign — to concede loss of the game
**Gratuitous Use of Symbol Font Grand Prize:** λαστ εξιλε ιν τηε βοττλε
**OST of the Day:**
* [A Stimulant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQJucVvh8mM) (saved for today)
* [Last Exile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF3bOYDwiOY)
* [Beautiful Fields](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgNdP1D5aDo)
* [Over the Sky (angel feather version)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCwx9-9JsV0)
* [A New World Has Come](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUecKlyfQEs)
##Discussion Prompts
**Permanent Question:** Meaning of the episode title?
Q 0) A lot happened in this episode. Thoughts on…everything?
Q 1) Thoughts on Wina’s mercy, to lie to Sophia?
Q 2) Final thoughts on Alex? Looks like his revenge plan worked.
Q 3) Dio started as a comedic character, and died a tragic death. An incredibly non-typical path for a character we’ve spent so much time with. Thoughts?
Q 4) How angry does the death flag bait and switch make you?
Q 5) Do you like the extended epilogue?
Poll Redux, [Principal Dio, Yes / No?](https://strawpoll.com/polls/6QnMOpDLbZe) (you can change your earlier answer)
**Questions for the Series Summary:**
You’ll have your own things to say, but here are some more things to think about.
Q 1) Compare / Contrast with:
* All anime
* 2000s anime
* Gonzo anime
In particular, this was their ~~20th~~ 10th anniversary celebratory production. Did they succeed in creating something special? Or is this just another anime of all time?
Q 2) The show could be broken down into arcs (delimited by eyecatches):
1. Prologue, couriering, racing (episodes 1-3)
2. Alvis, the Silvana, and Dio (episodes 4-7)
3. Life on the Silvana (episodes 8-11)
4. Rebellion and Blue-on-Blue (episodes 12-15)
5. Promotion Sophia and Peace (episodes 16-18)
6. War against the Guild (episodes 19-22)
7. Endgame (episodes 23-26)
What were your favorite and least favorite arcs?
Q 3) Not a single person commented on the soundtrack! I really liked (most) of the soundtrack. What did you think of it? Any favorites?
Q 4) Most and Least favorite characters?
Q 5) What did you think of Dio, in the end (update your poll answers!)
Q 6) How angry / happy are you that Mullin survived?
Q 7) How did the final product compare with your initial impressions?
Also, I suggest skipping back and taking a second look at various scenes during our upcoming break, and forming a second opinion.
***A separate thread for the series summation will be posted when /r/anime returns from blackout***
Scrapped Princess rewatch will start in 8 days (probably). Although I enjoy it a lot, there’s much less to dig into with Scrapped Princess (and I am not a source reader). I won’t be providing a lot of extras, I’ll just be along for the ride (and it is, essentially, [scrapped princess]>!a road trip!!<)
Note: Scrapped Princess is NOT by Gonzo, but by Bones. It sure feels like Gonzo, though.
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