Episode 19: *Any port in a storm*
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**Fae Facts:**
The concept of dreamwalking or dream telepathy appears quite frequently in fiction, including anime. While both lucid dreaming (consciously controlling one’s own dreams) and oneiromancy (prophetic dreams) have a strong history and mythology, dreamwalking appears less frequently and in more modern contexts, at least in western sources and is generally regarded as no more than pseudoscience. If anyone has any japanese mythology sources, I’d love to hear them!
**Discussion Topics:**
Impressions of the new sorcerers?
How/why do you think the connection between Cartaphilus/Joseph and Chise was formed?
\[Chapters 32-35\]>!There’s a good bit of exposition and backstory cut out from the anime, including some of Cartaphilus’ history, regarding the College and their agreement with Lindel, and regarding other characters we haven’t met yet. !<
**Selected Favourite Quotes and Images from Last Episode:**
[Image album](https://imgur.com/a/8NF3A03)
“So let’s live as long as we can without stressing or forcing it.”
“Words aren’t for understanding each other. They exist for the sake of talking to each other.”
**Discussion Topics For Tomorrow, Episode 20:**
\[Question 1\]>!Chise’s unrelenting selflessness or self-sacrifice, is it a positive character trait, or a flaw? !<
\[Question 2\]>!What do you think about Chise characterizing her PTSD as a curse?!<
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