[Rewatch] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds Rewatch – Week 2: Episodes 6-12 Discussion

#Episode 6: Look at My Treasured Deck!
#Episode 7: Feelings Towards the Cards! Crystal Skull vs. Giant Ushi Oni
#Episode 8: Unfulfilled Soul: the Signers and the Legendary Dragon
#Episode 9: Feelings Hanging for the Cards: A Planned Lightning Deathmatch
#Episode 10: Deck Zero: Break the Chain Trap Loop
#Episode 11: The Special Pursuit Deck Returns: Regain the Bonds with a Friend
#Episode 12: Dead Chase! Weave the Bonds, Turbo Warrior

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**Let’s Get Up To Speed With Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d’s!**

Comment of the Week goes to /u/ShadowWasTakensTaken

> Yuusei’s been arrested! It’s just like my favorite game Sonic Adventure 2 released in 2001 for the Dreamcast!!!!!!! [](#maxshock)

Card of the Week: [Blasting the Ruins](https://i.imgur.com/AFIQf51.jpg)

Questions of the Week

1) Do you have a treasured Trading Card or Game Piece that you would cherish?

2) Would you run into a burning building to save your best friend’s favorite card?

3) What is the worst card in any TCG you’ve ever seen?

***NEXT EPISODES: 13-19***


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