Hyouka Rewatch Episode 18

#[**Is the Mountain Range Clear?**](https://imgur.com/a/J5YFm2T)

##**Articles Going Into the Anthology**

u/MobilityG for there bittersweet take on how Satoshi’s melancholy in this arc is a new beginning for him:

> Yeah, about Satoshi giving up, it really made me feel bad for him. Him saying stuff like “a database never draws conclusions” seemed like a funny saying for him in the beginning of the first arc, but when he did so this episode, you could see that it really seemed to weigh him down. This was further implied by his speech about expectations, like you just said. However, I do want to look at this with encouragement and be optimistic as well. Though it seemed like Satoshi had given up, it also looked like he gained further confidence in that his friend Houtarou would draw the conclusions to the questions he wanted the answer too.

> Satoshi might not acknowledge this himself, but he plays a crucial part in every mystery Houtaro solves. He’s the database which Houtarou gathers information from to draw his conclusions.

> Satoshi didn’t seem that bummed out either after Tani-kun left and Ibara came. Instead of being sad, he realized a fact. And also, Satoshi has a lot of good sides with him. He probably wanted Houtarou to find something to do all along.

u/ZapsZzz on supporting characters, It’s quite Atomic:

> I think this is quite important – characters shouldn’t feel like they are “just” supporting characters – no one thinks that way (ok except Cid). So it’s only natural someone would like to break the trend of only ever be the one standing behind the guy winning the trophy – especially as the guy kept saying he doesn’t want the trophy 😉

u/doctahFoX with a great segment about the bond between Satoshi and Mayaka in this instance:

> The special bond between Mayaka and Satoshi is clearer and clearer: they understand each other, and, because of their own insecurities, they also hold the other in much higher regard than they hold themselves. This will be clearer in a while, but remember that Satoshi did said that “if Mayaka wanted, she could be a Sherlockian in no time”.

> The “not naturally-gifted” ones have a point in common: they feel defeated by the genius of their peers as soon as they start, and hence they’re stuck waiting for the talented friend to act, just to think afterwards “I could have never done something as good as this”. (To be fair, Satoshi did try to catch Juumoji, but I believe he never thought he could.)

> Compare them to Chitanda: she has her limits, and she has a “mentor” to look up to (Irisu), but she never starts having expectations of her. Chitanda asks for advice, realises that it isn’t the best for her and grows as a person. I think that, besides the character drama, this is the point of this arc: you should never stop striving for your passions. If you meet somebody far better than you, ask for advice and keep working: gifted people will always exist, but that shouldn’t be a reason to give up one one’s dreams!

##**Questions of the Day**

**First Timers:**

1. This has to be considered a date right?

2. Why do you think Chitanda was at a loss for words at Oreki’s reason for his curiosity?


1. Did you [Spoilers]>!See the exact instant as a First Timer when Chitanda realized she was in love?!<

**Source Readers:**

1. This episode was one of the few short stories that was not in Volume 4 and wasn’t published until Volume 6, why do you think it was included here, besides simple to get to an 11 episode cour.

See you on the Next Meeting of the Classic Lit Club!


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