I am in search of some SOL anime with stunning visuals and animation. It may or may not have romance.
Some anime of the above mentioned category, that I’ve already watched: –
1. Most of the KyoAni shows
2. P.A. Works shows: Lull in the Sea, Shirobako, HanaSaku Iroha, Sakura Quest, Paripi Koumei, Buddy Daddies, Angel Beats
3. Natsume’s Book of Friends
4. Your Lie in April
5. A Place Further Than The Universe
6. Fruits Basket 2019-21
7. Anohana
8. March comes in like a lion
9. Run with the wind
10. Akebi-chan no sailor fuku
11. etc. I am unable to recall at this moment.
Here’s a link to what I’ve seen so far: [https://myanimelist.net/animelist/YukiSohma\_2004?status=2](https://myanimelist.net/animelist/YukiSohma_2004?status=2)
Thanks a lot! π
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