I just started watching One Piece for the first time!

I’m new to anime, having just started watching some shows about 4-5 months ago. I’ve worked my way thru Bungo Stray Dogs, Jujitsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, about 7 seasons of Bleach, and a whole lot of other random episodes of others.

All this time I kept hearing about this insanely long manga/anime called One Piece, and that it was about pirates. Well, I *really* dislike pirate-themed anything, and wasn’t going to ever check One Piece out because of that.

I am GLAD I decided to try it out anyway. I am at the end of Season 2 so far, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

Luffy is probably my favorite character out of any show I have watched, ever. No joke. His attitude just kills me, Icant even begin to imagine how wildly creative the creator of this show must be. The world-building in this show is peerless.

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