I know tropes are tropes for a reason, but they get really, really old sometimes. I’m quite honestly frustrated with them. Sometimes a seemingly good show can be ruined by implementing them at the very worst time.

This really is a rant, I think, but many of us can agree with this to some degree. I can’t be the only one that feels this way.

Each genre has their own and some overlap all genres, *all of which I’ve watched from at one point or another*. While I can tolerate a lot of it most times, it’s gotten to the point that sometimes a show will give promise of a potential deviation to the end with hope of a nice change to the usual results. You make it through a good 11.5 episodes that give the potential for a fresh and atypical end, only to unnecessarily throw in a trope. It wipes out all of that work and leaves one episode to try and resolve that gaffe, which is obviously not possible.

**EDIT:** I wouldn’t mind as much if the trope was given an appropriate amount of time to be resolved. Even just one more episode would be enough time to deal with it.

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