Madoka first time watch through

I watched Madoka back when it was fresh off the press. My friend has never seen it!

So we have a day planned where we can binge watch it together. I figured I would just play the 3 movies in a row, and skip the series.

I remember when I watched the movies, it was literally the entire series condensed. (I know there are added transformations and improvements to the movies) I don’t remember any scenes or content missing, but after seeing some previous discussions I see some fans saying to watch the series because the movie cuts some out? I remember the show being painfully slow, that same sentiment being applied to the first movie, and really picks up in the second. I figured the main benefit to the movies is saving the hassle of skipping opening and endings and keeping in the core of the story uninterrupted.

Can we get a discussion ending this once and for all? What is the best method for a straight watch through, and why?

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