[NyanWatch] Non Non Biyori – Season 2 Overall Discussion

# [**Non Non Biyori Repeat Overall Discussion**](https://imgur.com/a/205b5Jl)

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## Classroom Activities

### Question of the day

* Top 5 character rankings!

* Favourite overall episode?

* Favourite episode besides episodes 4 and 10?

* Favourite scene?

* Favourite non-Renge scene?

* Anything you’re looking forward to in the next season?

* How would you describe season 2 in one word?

* Which OP and ED do you prefer?

u/Nebresto’s contribution: Do you have seasons where you live?

### Shot of the day

[Pictures from OVA 2] (https://imgur.com/a/uy7b2IH)

[Chonky’s Renge Album + Some from Rumpel](https://imgur.com/a/uPufVxo)

/u/cyberscythe’s neat [catach of Koma-chan acting like a big sis to Hotaru in the OP](https://i.imgur.com/DAdCGKX.gif)

### Soundtrack of the day

[Hotaru’s Character Song!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI6fV1DtvJ0)

[Lunch Box](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVBYTEV9jwE&list=OLAK5uy_mxR1poZHQVdLdV2CDoj4oHMregqUkLYEo&index=16) by u/Great_Mr_L


## Reminder

Tomorrow there won’t be a post. The day after will be the movie discussion thread

## Spoiler Tags

Any detail you wish to share that’s not within the current / past episodes have to be [spoiler tagged](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/q28ulr/announcing_changes_to_spoiler_tags/) which includes details from the manga. Do include the context of the spoilers within the parenthesis:

e.g., [Manga Chapter 50 Onwards] >!Spoiler goes here!<

Let’s not spoil the first-timers!

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