[NyanWatch] Non Non Biyori Vacation – Movie Discussion

# [**Vacation – Movie Discussion**](https://imgur.com/a/phovCJR)

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## [Nyanpasu!](https://nyanpass.com/)


## Classroom Activities

### Question of the day

Keeping this short today since movie discussions can get pretty long!

* Kayaking or Snorkeling?

* [Why do you think Hika-nee cried at the end?](https://imgur.com/a/O8KOnZP)

* How would you rate this movie? (If you usually do ratings)

### Shot of the day

Pictures from- what!? Y’all had pictures!?


u/Nebresto with [Sunset Fanart](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/43740736)

u/JetsLag just wants to see [Suguru get slapped](https://imgur.com/a/VYHjCZ9)

### Soundtrack of the day

u/Nebresto again dominates both sections with [Nyanpasu Eminem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5-xWQMpmgo)

### Key Staff

**Director**: Shinya Kawatsura

**Screenplay**: Reiko Yoshida

**Storyboards**: Koji Sawai, Masayuki Kurosawa, Shinya Kawatsura

Mai Otsuka was the **Chief Animation Director and Key Animator** for the movie too. She’s the **Character Designer** for the show as well


## Spoiler Tags

Any detail you wish to share that’s not within the current / past episodes have to be [spoiler tagged](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/q28ulr/announcing_changes_to_spoiler_tags/) which includes details from the manga. Do include the context of the spoilers within the parenthesis:

e.g., [Manga Chapter 50 Onwards] >!Spoiler goes here!<

Let’s not spoil the first-timers!

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