(TW; +18 anime, self-destruction, etc)
Hello everyone,
I have been looking for an anime for YEARS. Every once in a while I think about it and I go crazy again. I have never come to Reddit with my own post.
I am going to describe what I remember as well as I can. I am 23 and may have watched this 10+ years ago, so please forgive me if any details are off.
\—Anime Description Below—
The scene begins with an older gentleman and his young family member, a boy. This anime is demon/monster-themed. Demons are created by humans dying tragic deaths tied to emotional events. When the human awakens as a demon, it must be bound by paper/fabric rope that is inscribed with Kanji Runes/Spells in a ritual which bounds it to a human master.\\. Otherwise – the demon will lose it’s humanity and become evil.
The human master “feeds” the demon by letting the demon absorb part of them, and this is seen during a battle scene. A demon launches an attack, causing her young master to fall down – she remarks how he is covered in burns due to her being much stronger than him. This is the young boy I mentioned in the beginning.
The older gentleman was the original master of the demon girl. However – he is killed by bad guys I believe. The demon and boy then follow the “binding ritual” so she does not die, but he is not quite powerful enough for her.
That is what I remember of the anime for sure, in terms of main story. There is a death scene I also remember:
A powerful man has a trophy wife he abuses. One night during his rampage, she finally takes matters into her own hands and jumps off their tall apartment building. She turns into a demon. She is not saved – the young boy witnesses her death.
I know this has to exist. I have watched multiple episodes of it. What I do remember seems so clear. But I have never, ever, been able to find it again. Is this a horrific case of a fever dream LOL? Please help me.
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