Recommendations for someone who feels like they’ve seen everything?

EDIT: in no way am I claiming to have watched every anime in 2 years lol. I am trying to say that anime just doesn’t grab me like it used to, there isn’t any unique or cool stories that have appealed to me. While you guys are recommending great animes and I appreciate it, the point of this post was to find new animes based on what my listed favs were

I’ve been watching anime for like 2 years and I feel like I’ve exhausted all the good shows. It feels like forever since I’ve watched an anime that genuinely had me hooked. Please someone recommend me something good! I tend to lean towards older generations of anime, BUT WILL WATCH ANYTHING! (As long as it’s good) here are some of my favs:
Samurai champloo
Cowboy bepop
Soul eater
Kill la kill
Black lagoon
Future diaries
Ergo proxy
Great pretender
Note: mentioned above are just the small list of animes I consider my favorites, and should not be considered a list of every anime I have watched. I have tried series like one piece and bleach, gotten into them, and never finished.

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