[Rewatch] Cardcaptor Sakura Rewatch – Clear Card Episode 11 Discussion

#**Clear Card Episode 11: Sakura and the Upside-Down Penguin**

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Today’s Illustrations: [Stylised Costumes](https://imgur.com/a/1a9ZDzD)


Question of the Day:

Since I asked about the throwbacks yesterday, let’s settle this – do you like penguins, and do you like the Penguin Park?


Comments of the Day:

/u/Taiboss [is not enjoying the callbacks](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12vmrgf/rewatch_cardcaptor_sakura_rewatch_clear_card/jhbtj3q/):

>”How awful?! It’s the park! AGAIN! Can the writers not come up with new locations?! We JUST went back to the aquarium!”

/u/Shimmering-Sky [has some interesting speculation](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12vmrgf/rewatch_cardcaptor_sakura_rewatch_clear_card/jhbsxvd/):

>What if the book Akihoโ€™s looking for in Japan happens to be one in there? Could have even been the Book of Clow and they didnโ€™t realize Sakura converted it to her own power before they came to Japanโ€ฆ


On an important note, no unmarked spoilers! No jokes about events yet to come, and no references to future episodes!

**Music Corner**

**Today’s Focus:** Cardcaptor Sakura ED 1 Album – Groovy!



**The Clear Cards:**


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