[Rewatch] Cardcaptor Sakura Rewatch – Clear Card Episode 7 Discussion

#**Clear Card Episode 7: Sakura and a Game of Tag in the Garden**

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Today’s Illustrations: [Eriol](https://imgur.com/a/MJnH4jn)


Question of the Day:

Which of Sakura’s flight cards do you like the most? Clow Fly, Sakura Fly, or Clear Flight?


Comments of the Day:

/u/W-w-guybrush-do [has an interesting theory](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12r7uuy/rewatch_cardcaptor_sakura_rewatch_clear_card/jgt4zwj/):

>Time brings me back to my Sakura from the future theory. Esp if this Akiho is a chibiusa situation! She loves her mom/ancestor Sakura, and Sakura is drawn to her descendant. Maybe it’s one of those cyclical time travel things where she needs the dream magic for something soon, so future self that already has it pushes her to get it. But Akiho also does look like Sakura+Sakura’s mom, so idk, maybe just family genes has her looking like Nadeshiko? I guess she’s not reincarnated though because we’ve seen Nadeshiko so much that doesn’t seem possible.

/u/TiredTiroth [gave a great analysis of the recording scene](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12r7uuy/rewatch_cardcaptor_sakura_rewatch_clear_card/jgu7otl/):

>Oh, the singing scene is cute. I’m not generally a fan of people getting pushed into things they’re uncomfortable with, but it feels like Akiho just doesn’t have the confidence rather than she doesn’t want to do it. And she’s definitely noticed that Tomoyo is a talented singer, so the invitation plus encouragement from her new friends is meaningful. It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing, either.


On an important note, no unmarked spoilers! No jokes about events yet to come, and no references to future episodes!

**Music Corner**

**Today’s Focus:** Tomoeda Shougakkou Chorus-bu Christmas Concert, Part 2

[Maria no komori uta](https://files.catbox.moe/voxgfd.mp3)

[Tomo e](https://files.catbox.moe/j2mf4j.mp3)

[Moro bitokozorite](https://files.catbox.moe/8ctw3s.mp3)


**The Clear Cards:**


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