[Rewatch] The Ancient Magus’ Bride – Episode 23

Episode 23: *Nothing seek, nothing find*

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**Fae Facts:** The tale of the Wandering Jew goes back to the Middle Ages, although some sources say he was cursed due to taunting Jesus on the way to the cross, others identify him as a disciple so beloved he was blessed, either way he is said to be one “*who is still alive awaiting the last coming of Christ”.* His name was originally Cartaphilus and he was later baptized and given the name Joseph.

**Discussion Topics:**

How does knowing his backstory change your opinion on Joseph?


\[Chapters (beginning)41, 43-44\]>!The manga specifically calls out Joseph’s ability of necromantic communication, which is never explicitly explained in the anime !<

**Selected Favourite Quotes and Images from Last Episode:**

[image album](https://imgur.com/a/jtBhulX)

“I won’t forget you yet, but I’m going to leave you and move on.”

**Discussion Topics for Tomorrow, Episode 24:**

\[Question 1\]>!How do you feel about the ending?!<

\[Question 2\]>!Now that we’ve come this far, are you planning to watch Season Two?!<

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