above is the trailer for the anime series Servamp.i would recommend this anime to people who love vampires,contracts,comedy,friendship and tag teams. you could watch the anime in a day or two and from a scale from 1 to 10 i would give it a solid 8.5 as well as the credit that it is VERY underrated.The anime also has a movie called Servamp:Alice in the garden. starting from episode 1 the first character you are introduced to is named Mahiru Shirota.on his way home he finds an abandoned black cat in an alleyway ,takes him home and names him Kuro. after going to school and returning home he finds a strange man sitting and watching TV. When Mahiru finds out that the strange man is none other than his cat Kuro he had rescued from the alleyway just the day before an accidental contract is formed and the adventure begins!
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