The top best anime opening of my friend group

What do you think of the top we made with my friends? We were 8 and each person suggested his 3 favorite opening.

The rules were:
1. Only one opening per series.
2. Each day maximum 5 op could be put in danger.
3. The one with the most votes was eliminated.
4. All the op in danger were safe for the next day.
5. We had a group chat to defend our op.
6. The last 5 days, the remaining op were everyday in danger until we had our winner.

We had some guidelines to help us make a choice:
1. Quality of the music
2. Quality of the animation
3. Coherent narrative
4. Link to the anime
5. Symbolism/references
6. How it sell the anime
7. Originality

(I’m Tremblay btw)

The final result :

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