#Episode 03 – Base
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####*I am totally surrounded by weirdos.*
Time for some comments of the day:
/u/Vinesma [with their amusing remark](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12bwdvo/transformers_armada_micron_densetsu_rewatch/jez3klu/)
>[Don’t talk to me or my Minicon ever again](https://i.imgur.com/chdXKPW.jpg)
And /u/Lilyvess’ [Analysis on the name “Convoy”](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/12bwdvo/transformers_armada_micron_densetsu_rewatch/jeyuzwq/)
>Convoy engages in the character in a different way. He’s not named after his stature as a leader, but his function as a vehicle. In emphasizing his truck function it better contrasts with Megatron. Megatron and the decepticons are vehicles of war. Tanks, Jet Planes, attack copters. Autobots are cars on the road. And Convoy is the Semi Truck, the largest truck on the road. The size gives him stature and a symbol of importance, but his purpose is in his name, to protect and transport. It’s a peaceful name.
###Questions of the day:
1) [Did you expect Demolisher to be so athletic?](https://imgur.com/oqHjywH)
2) What do you think of an 11 year old girl being determined to become the president? Realistic dream or not?
3) Do you think Megatron’s [minicon policy](https://imgur.com/oCI0n8w) is fair?
##[Rate today’s episode here](https://youpoll.me/99389/)
* **Ep 2 poll:** 3.54
* **Ep 1 poll:** 3.37
###Soundtracks of the day:
* [Destruction Order](https://files.catbox.moe/nwp4ad.mp3)
* [Solitude](https://files.catbox.moe/ur2qzj.mp3)
* [A Close Game](https://files.catbox.moe/agyv7v.mp3)
[](#listen “Guitars and trumpets. …And whatever it is that last one uses”)
Tracks unlocked: [6/63]
###[Character chart](https://i.imgur.com/EN9PHPd.png)
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