Transformers Armada / Micron Densetsu rewatch – Episode 44 discussion

#Episode 44 – Uprising

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####*This is where the battle begins and ends, gentlemen.*

###Questions of the day:

&nbsp; 1) What do you expect Unicron to be? / For rewatchers/series fans: What was your first encounter with Unicron?

&nbsp; 2) Is Megatron foolish for ignoring this new “threat”, or smart for wanting to curb the Autobots while holding the high ground?

##[Rate today’s episode here](
* **Ep 43 poll:** 3.86
* **Ep 42 poll:** 4.50

###Soundtracks of the day:

* [Here come the Destrons](

* [On the Eve of Doom](

* [Charge! Cybertrons]( 01

* [Run!]( 01

* [Convoy vs Megatron](

Bonus prompt: Compare the differences between ‘[Here come the Destrons](’ and ‘[Charge! Cybertrons]( 01’

[](#listen “Flamboyant”)

Tracks unlocked: [60/64] [Featured so far:](

###[Character chart](

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