Trying to remember anime with overworked female lead tearfully asking her partner to stop treating her with a fake kindness

I’m sorry if this isn’t appropriate as a separate post. I asked twice before in the correct channels to no avail. Though I tried to forget it and give up, the memory came back in full force. Googling the various key words I mentioned in the post’s title didn’t help.

The female lead gets sick from overwork and faints after she comes home. The male lead is very distressed, and starts to walk on eggshells around her. This in turn results in her getting distressed at the fakeness of his smile, and she tearfully asks him to drop the act.

The show certainly was made 8+ years ago at this point, as it was one of the first things I watched that got me into the medium back in college. I browsed through MAL and seriously none of the posters ring a bell. It doesn’t help that can’t remember the particular scene in images—I just remember what happened and the jist of what was said.

Please help. I would really, really appreciate anyone who has a clue.

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