Maybe I’m just getting old, but you used to not be able go anywhere in the anime community without hearing some overused JoJo joke (Kono Dio Da, Is that a Jojo reference?, etc.) and people hyping it up as the greatest thing since sliced bread, and then Part 6 aired in Fall 2021 and was met with a resounding thud.
I’ll get it out of the way here and say that obviously Netflix’s butchered batch release was part of the problem, but that doesn’t quite explain how this franchise fell off a cliff in the way it did. It seemed that the last two batches of episodes at the tail end of last year were entirely ignored despite being better than 90% of the shows airing at that time. I know the anime fandom climate has changed quite a bit since the last part, but with some of the most creative and gripping fights in all of Shounen, there’s no reason why JoJo (and Stone Ocean particularly) shouldn’t be thriving more so than ever before.
I don’t like to resort to whataboutism, but Demon Slayer’s newest season pulled in over 3 times the amount of members on MAL that the final release of Part 6 did, despite lagging behind by three months and having objectively worse written fights (not to mention that the ultimate climax to the P6 adaptation is so godly in execution that it feels like it was Made in Heaven)
So what gives? Cause right now I’m completely lost.
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