With all the question about how series come into being, I asked myself, why do some anime series only get one season?

Okay, many animes, which adapt light novels or mangas, just adapt the first two books (Mahou Shoju Site for example, Grimgar of Ash and Fantasy, Akshaic Records of the bastard mage and so on)

Why don‘t they adapt the whole thing? Do they use animes just to promote the light novel?

Okay, some series just don‘t get to much attention or only attention later down the road, so that is not lucrative enough. Maybe there are no TV slots. I recently learned that most animes are produced for live TV and the streaming market is a nice to have, but not essential for the calculation.

I don‘t guess that, we don‘t get whole adaptions because nobody is interested in an end. To my understanding they are just as a completionist as everybody else.

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